Secretary and Correspondent Message

Engineering education plays a vital and most significant role in nation’s building. Engineers create new inventions using best engineering technologies to make Human life more comfortable, secure, and productive. In these modern times, nations which have rich engineering and experienced management domains are flourishing economically and are providing better lives to their people. We have excellent potential to grow in diversified areas and excel in Engineering and Management fields. We need numerous engineers and managers to develop plenty of successful inventions
Principal Message

The programs offered by the college helps to nurture many vibrant and promising professionals equipped with skills to face the ever changing social, economic and technical landscape of our country. Students are provided with opportunities for interaction with the experts from the Industry through Guest Lectures, Industrial Visits, Project Works, Vocational Training (Internships), etc. To align with the curricula, we have excellent faculty, state-of- the-art infrastructure and laboratories. Spacious green campus, good library and peaceful atmosphere ensures that learning becomes a wonderful experience. The success of our undergraduate and postgraduate programs is supervised by our eminent faculty, who continue to set the standard for excellence. There is a continuous check on the implementation of planned academic activities with desired results in grooming our future generation for employment and for higher studies in India and abroad. We believe in integrated and continuous development and strive to carry on the best efforts and endeavors towards the benefit of the students. We give special care and attention for the students belonging to socially, economically and educationally backward classes so as to make them highly competent technical professionals
My earnest credits to the management for their indefatigable efforts in catering to the diverse needs of the stakeholders with ethical conscience, and also instilling a sense of oneness. Wishing our students, a very happy and academically highly rewarding campus life at AMRN and hope that the good conduct of our students enhances the pride and esteem of this glorious institution