
Faculty Grievances & Redressal Committee

About Faculty Grievance & Redressal Committee

On imparting professional education, it’s our foremost care to consider comfort of all stake holders to keep amicable environment in the campus. We, AMRN (AM Reddy Memorial College of Engineering and Technology) take practice of transparency, justice and professional ethics in all happenings so that stake holders are not grieved. Staff grievance and redressal committee is to deal with the discontent, dissatisfaction expressed in person or through formal letter complaint.

Generally Grievant means a student, parent, and staff member, group of students or staff members or combination of any of these stakeholders of the institution.

Objectives of Faculty Grievance & Redressal Committee

  1. To ensure harmonious environment in the campus to all staff members
  2. To provide the equal opportunity and hassle free resort to their grievances
  3. To maintain supervision on all activities of grievance and redressal mechanism

Functions of Faculty Grievance & Redressal Committee

  1. To make awareness on the grievances among faculty and staff community
  2. To be a part in imparting the quality environment by addressing issues of employees
  3. To demand issues/complaints, investigate by committee recommended and document the activities.
  4. To analyze, comply and forward all received complaints to the concerned departments for necessary action.
  5. To compile and record documents as per department wise and semester wise, also keep the information of the parties involved in safe custody
  6. To disclose pending cases and act to resolve it amicably, and notify the parties of their status.

Faculty grievances & Redressal committee members for the AY: 2023-24

Sl. No.Name of the Committee MemberDesignation & DepartmentPositionPhone No.
1.Dr. J. Ganesh Prasad ReddyPrincipalChairman9866414252
2.Mr. K. Krishna ReddyDiploma PrincipalConvener9989123388
3.Dr. D. Anand BabuHOD of AGEMember9542158981
4.Dr. K. Sreekar ChandHOD of CEMember7013447854
5.Dr. K. L. N. MurthyHOD of MEMember9985419628
6.Mr. P.S.K. Ganesh KumarHOD of ECEMember9849966554
7.Mr. K. Krishna ReddyHOD of EEEMember9989123388
8.Mr. A. Madhava ReddyHOD of CSEMember9985994890
9.Dr. G. Bhaskar ReddyHOD of S&HMember7981279255
10.Mr. P. Ravi ShankarAdministrative OfficerMember9989865615

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